Saturday, May 19, 2012

This is News? Verizon Pushing Customers Towards Android Phones

If you go to a Verizon store, CNN Money reported last week that the salespeople will encourage you to buy an Android phone over an iPhone.  This should not come as a surprise - Verizon makes more money on Android phones than they do on the Apple iPhone.  A year ago I went in to the local Verizon store to buy an iPhone for my wife.  The salesperson talked my wife into an Android phone, on the basis that the Android phone had 4G capability,which the iPhone lacked and still lacks.  Merchants steering customers in one direction or another is an old story.  This is often the case, whether you are buying a smartphone or a dishwasher or a car.  Just be aware that it is happening, and make your purchasing decision cognizant of the fact that the salesperson likely has a financial incentive to sell you one product over another.   

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